How to produce TMR

How to produce TMR

How to produce TMR

Dairy Articles

Using a Total Mixed Ration for Dairy Cows

The term total mixed ration (TMR) may be defined as, "The practice of weighing and blending all feedstuffs into a complete ration which provides adequate nourishment to meet the needs of dairy cows." Each bite consumed contains the required level of nutrients (energy, protein, minerals and vitamins) needed by the cow (Table 1).

Total Mixed Ration for dairy cows

Total Mixed Ration (TMR) can be described as a mixture of both the roughage and the processed ingredients, formulated and mixed to supply the cows requirements, in a form that precludes selection. It is designed to be the sole feed source given over a 24 hour period and fed ad lib. for optimum results. This cannot be accomplished without the use of accurate weighing equipment and adequate and proper mixing equipment (feed mixer wagon).