Feeds for dairy cows

TMR and TMR mixers

It seems Australia has grown up on milk, and many continue to rely on it for their everyday diet. But how many take the time to consider the diet of the cows used to produce that milk? It’s a consideration dairy farmers can’t take for granted. The quality of feeds helps ensure the quality of the milk.

Cows are a little bit like kids. They pick through their ration and pick out the tasty smaller grains. For nutritionists this is a cause for concern because the cow’s rumen will drop significantly in PH. What this causes is acidosis, or in humans we would think of that as tummy upset. It also causes laminitis. We see that manifested at the barn level as sore feet. This can be chronic or acute and has a serious impact on production in the herd.

Farmers often become frustrated with the nutrition levels of their cows, forcing them to spend large extra amounts of money in extra feed, veterinary costs and labor to maintain healthy livestock. Traditionally farmers have provided the cows with some hay followed by the wet silages, followed by some grains, proteins, vitamins and minerals. This is an extremely labor intensive way of feeding cows. In addition it contributes to a poor ration environment and again acidosis which can lead to poor productivity of the animals.

However, farmers are now finding ways to produce healthier and more cost effective feeds. Vertical TMR mixers are used to blend all necessary feeding components into a balanced Total Mix Ration. This method ensures TMR farmers can gain control over exactly what their cows eat and provide the nutrition they require using Vertical TMR Mixers.

TMR has been the single most influential factor in increased milk production in the last 10 years. Since the early 70’s TMR feeding has gained in popularity, but has always been limited by the amount of hay that can be incorporated in the ration. Today, engineering and technology provides us with the means and machinery to harvest forages, large round bales and large square bales. At the same time that technology provides us with TMR feeding machines that allow us to maintain effective fiber.

Many farmers find that feeding a balanced TMR to their cows can increase their milk production by 1 or 2 Kg  per day. In fact, a machine can process as fast as a farmer can load the machine.

The health of the cows is the most important thing to the farmer. The feed they give to their cows affects the quality of the milk, the better the feed the better the milk. Dairy farmers are learning they have greater command over the quality of the milk than ever before. New feeding strategies and healthier livestock are giving the milk industry a taste of the future.

Source: Days Machiner
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