Dairy Management

Dairy Management

Dairy Management

Dairy Articles

Calculating Operating Profit on a Dairy Farm

Estimate adjustments using the tables below. Add them in to the Operating Profit table below.

It is important that the basic financial information from your accounts is adjusted when calculating Operating Profit, so all farming systems can be compared on an equal footing. The following are the adjustments used, and a brief explanation.

Calculating Dairy Farm Operating Profit

The following section defines the method and information required to calculate operating profit and ensure that the final result is comparable with other dairy farms.

Managing Dairy Cattle Lameness in Wet Conditions

Extremely wet conditions are associated with higher rates of lameness in dairy cows. Wet weather and floods wash away the fine materials in farm tracks or laneways exposing the larger stones and gravel pieces which have the potential to damage the cow’s hoof.

Speech problems linked to Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy

New research from Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, based in Perth Western Australia, has found that children of mums who had low levels of Vitamin D during pregnancy are twice as likely to have language difficulties.

Proper Mineral Management: Keeping Cattle Healthy

US - Beef producers shouldn't overlook proper mineral intake as part of an overall feeding plan, according to a Purdue Extension specialist.

Declining Fertility - A Problem Of High- Yielding Cattle?

A rise in milk yield may point to signs of declining fertility in dairy cattle, says Prof. Heinrich Bollwein, Clinic for Cattle at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Hanover, Germany.

Body Condition Scoring Management

Body condition scoring now will ensure optimal weights and condition at calving next Spring.

High And Low Fertility In Dairy Cows

Sean Cumins and Dr Stephen Butler describe a genetic model of high and low fertility in lactating dairy cows. This is a valuable research resource to identify strategies for improving dairy cow reproduction.

Work starts on world's first commercial robotic milking factory

The world’s first commercial robotic milking factory is about to be installed on-farm. Swedish multinational milk industry equipment supplier DeLaval says its 'automatic milking rotary', which was launched last November, will be installed in Tasmania. It is also currently testing it on-farm in Sweden and Australia.